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Black Knot in Wheatland County

Our crews have identified Black Knot in some of the communities around the County and have cut it out of trees on the properties that we own and maintain. Some diseased branches have also been identified on private property within Speargrass and other communities. Unfortunately, we can not treat these trees, so we are asking […]

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Clubroot Confirmed in Wheatland County

The first occurrence of Clubroot was recently confirmed in two fields in the southwestern portion of Wheatland County.  Clubroot is a soil-borne disease that can be found on Brassica/Cruciferous crops and was first recorded in Europe in the 13th century. The first Canola crop infested with Clubroot was detected in 2003 in a Canola field […]

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Environmental Appeals Board – Notice of Hearing

RE: Badlands Recreation Development Corp./Water Act Approval No. 00406489-00-00/Our File Nos.: EAB 19-066-070 Water Act Approval The Environmental Appeals Board will hold a hearing via video conference on December 7, 9 and 10, 2020 to hear submissions with respect to the decision of Alberta Environment and Parks to issue Water Act Approval No. 00406489-00-00 to […]

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2020 Clubroot Survey

Wheatland County Agriculture & Environment staff will be visiting canola fields during the month of September. to conduct clubroot surveys by pulling canola stubble to inspect the roots. This effort aims to assist our agricultural community in identifying presence of clubroot before it has the chance to spread. We aim to complete these surveys after […]

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Septic Sense Webinar

Participate in a No-Cost Septic Sense Webinar hosted by the Alberta Onsite Wastewater Management Association September 14th, 2020 or September 16th, 2020 Learn more: www.wcowma.com/blog/septicsense2020/ Septic Awareness Week September 14 – 18, 2020 Why should you maintain your wastewater treatment system? Save money- maintaining your system can help avoid costly repairs or replacement Reduce or […]

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