Local Support Services
Strathmore Handi-bus
Ph: 403-934-3418
Website: https://handibus.ca/
True North
True North (formerly the Wheatland Crisis Society) has been serving Strathmore and surrounding communities for 30 years in our mission to interrupt the cycle of violence.
We offer,
- 24-hour crisis & support line (1-877-934-6634),
- safety planning,
- outreach & counselling services,
- early intervention & public education programs,
- community events, and
- emergency shelter for our neighbours most in need.
It is our goal to end abuse through domestic violence education, prevention, reduction, and response programming informed by our trauma-informed values of commitment, compassion, respect, integrity, trust, empowerment, and safety.
Ph: 403-934-6634
Website: truenorthab.com
Wheatland Family and Community Support Services (WFCSS)
Wheatland FCSS is an 80/20 funding partnership between the Government of Alberta and participating municipalities that develops locally driven preventative social initiatives to enhance the well-being of community members.
Ph: 403-934-5335
Website: https://www.wfcss.org/