Development Services
The province allows municipalities, through the Municipal Government Act and Municipal Land Use Bylaw, to regulate developments via the development permit process.
Development includes the carrying out of any construction, excavation, stockpiling or other operation, in, on, over or under land, or the making of any change in the use or intensity of use of any land or building either permanently or temporarily. All structures over 100 square feet require a development permit. Please consult the county development officer in order to determine whether your development requires the issuance of a permit. All development applications must be accompanied with a site plan and the required fee plus any additional information pertinent to your development. Commencing a development without an approved permit, where a permit is required, is illegal.
Note: Agricultural buildings in Wheatland County are required to obtain a development permit. For information on specific types of permits please refer to the Development Permit section of the website.
Shelterbelts have setback requirements to property lines and roads. Refer to the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) for more information. Wheatland County also has a brochure on shelterbelts.
What is the difference between a development permit and a building permit?
A development permit allows a specific type of development on a specific parcel of land in the community to proceed in conformance with the zoning and development bylaws of the County. A development permit may stipulate some of the following conditions: the allowed use of the property, intensity of that use, building height, building site coverage, setbacks from property lines and other buildings and parking requirements.
A building permit allows construction of buildings or structure to proceed on condition of compliance with the Alberta Building Code which addresses building and fire safety. A building permit is required for the construction, alteration, repair, relocation, demolition, or change of use of a building. Farm buildings, accessory buildings, and non-hazardous accessory buildings under 100 square feet (10m2), are exempt. Visit the Building Permits page for application packages.
Development Permit Application Forms
Development Permits
January 1, 2020
8 attachments
Certificate of Compliance
January 1, 2020
1 attachment
Home-Based Business
January 1, 2020
1 attachment