Towns and Villages within Wheatland County are self-governed. Contact their respective offices for assistance.
Community Profile
Wheatland County has a population of 8,738 residents. The County is bordered on the west by the Rocky View County, the south by Vulcan County and Siksika Nation, the east by the County of Newell and Special Areas 2, and on the north by Kneehill County and the Town of Drumheller. The prairie’s natural beauty fills the eye in all parts of Wheatland County. From the golden fields near Standard to the badlands of the northeast, to the tranquility of the Bow River near Carseland. Wheatland County is an ideal blend of rural and urban lifestyles, we are next door to the City of Calgary, the fastest growing city in the most vibrant province of Canada.
Our proud heritage of independence and hard work shows in our farms and ranches – and our pride in the past is still evident in community rodeos and fairs each summer and fall. Our work ethic and dedicated stewardship of the land, once primarily agricultural, is now our strength as we look forward to the future. Continuing growth and development in agribusiness, oil and gas, and manufacturing will add a vibrant entrepreneurial outlook.
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Population and Demographics
The population of Wheatland County is over 8,700, with the population concentrated in the communities of Carseland, Gleichen, Speargrass, and Lyalta. The future population growth will be clustered in the above named communities, based on the capacity available for water treatment, wastewater infrastructure, and land use planning.
The majority of households are couples with or without children, accounting for 75% of the population in the County . Approximately 38% of households in Wheatland County have children living in the home, which is higher than the national average. In Wheatland County, 88% of the population live in single family houses and nearly 10% live in mobile homes. Housing options are limited within the County, and the addition of more rental or multi-family housing options would help attract more residents in to the area.
Wheatland County Statistics
2021 – Statistics Canada Community Profile of Wheatland County
Population – Approximately 8738 People
Land area (square km) – 4,505.05 km2
Median age of the population – 42.4 years
Average size of census families – 2.6 persons
Wheatland County Agricultural Statistics
2011 – Statistics Canada Farm & Farm Operator Data of Wheatland County1
Total number of farms – 782 (810 in 2016)
Land in crops – 311,265Ha/ 769,153Ac
Total area farmed – 453,840ha /1,121,462Ac
Total cattle and calves – 162,218
Where there’s room to grow…Your family
One of the most important aspects of raising a family and choosing where to live, is access to quality education.
In Wheatland County, that quality education is provided through the Golden Hills School Division and Christ the Redeemer Catholic School Division. As well, a wide variety of credit and non-credit post-secondary courses and workshops are offered through Bow Valley College, with a campus conveniently located right in Strathmore. Of course, other, world-class post-secondary institutions are within easy driving distance, as Calgary is only a 40 minute drive from Strathmore.
Within the boundaries of Wheatland County and Strathmore are the following schools:
Central Bow Valley (K-8) | Wheatland Crossing School (K-12) | Trinity Christian Academy (K-9) |
Hussar School (K-6) | Brentwood Elementary School (K-6) | Westmount School (K-6) |
Rockyford School (K-6) | Carseland School (K-6) | Wheatland Elementary School (K-6) |
Standard School (K-12) | Crowther Memorial Junior High (7-9) | Wheatland Crossing (K-12) |
Strathmore High School (10-12) | Strathmore Storefront School (7-12) | Sacred Heart Academy (K-6) |
Holy Cross Collegiate (7-12) |
Carseland School is one of the oldest schools in the region. It was originally built in 1930 then rebuilt in 1993. It serves the hamlet of approximately 700 people as well as the surrounding rural area.
The Wheatland Crossing School is located in rural Wheatland County and serves students living in Rockyford, Rosebud, Standard, Cluny, Gleichen, Hussar, and east Wheatland. The official grand opening for Wheatland Crossing took place on September 26, 2017.
After the sod turning in 2016, the Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre opened its doors to the public on February 23, 2019. The unique partnership between Golden Hills School Division #75, the Town of Strathmore, and Wheatland County made the project possible. The facility will serve as a regional recreational centre for visitors and residents of Strathmore and Wheatland County. The facility offers an indoor space to play soccer, lacrosse, basketball, volleyball, badminton, pickleball, and walking/running on the indoor track.
Also located in our hamlets, are walking paths and bike trails.
Wheatland County (WC) is a diverse region with many economic sector activities. With it’s proximity to Calgary, a city of over 1.3 million people and international trade corridors the WC has access to markets for agriculture and other natural resources, manufacturing and consumer products.
Access to diverse labour expertise, education and professional services, the WC is positioned perfectly to expand or develop your business. Being adjacent to a large metropolitan region like Calgary also provides affordable options in commercial, industrial and residential real estate compared to a large city.
Visit our Economic Date Portal
All communities within Wheatland County receive support and services from Wheatland Family & Community Support Services (WFCSS). WFCSS operates numerous programs throughout the County, including: Meals On Wheels; Good Food Box; Caregiver Support; and Collective Cooking. For more information, see their website here, visit them at the County Office, email, or call them at 403-934-5335.
Wheatland County owns and maintains two cemeteries, located in the Hamlets of Gleichen and Rosebud. Since spring of 2015, County crews have been working at these two community cemeteries, as well as the Gleichen Catholic and the Eventide Cemeteries, to remove overgrown vegetation and broken grave covers, as well as repair monuments, to ensure the area is attractive and safe for visitors and workers. Funding for this project comes in part from the County, and there are opportunities to donate money as well. If you would like to make a donation, you can visit the County Office or send us a message.
There is a vast network of roadways within Wheatland County. Visit our transportation highlights page to learn more.
With community spirit abound, and spread throughout all of Wheatland County, there is plenty of room to grow and make connections with neighbours, family, and friends. Community Halls and Associations, Ag. Societies, and sports and social clubs can be found in all areas of the County. There is something for everyone.