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County Maps

Paper or digital copies of the current ownership map are available to purchase from the county administration office.

A map book, paper or digital, is a segmented and enlarged ownership map which contains one page per township or hamlet. Each page is approximately 80% larger than a township on the ownership map.

Online GIS Map

You can search for properties via the legal land description (plan, block, lot), tax roll number, LINC number, or landmark. As well, users have the ability to print the following: assessment and property tax information, parcel zoning, proposed subdivisions, aerial photos (current and historical), and building photos.

Open Online GIS Map

Rural Address Lookup

This map is intended for rural address location lookup, and it provides convenient google/apple map location links to share with others. Zoom in or use the search function to locate an address. Once an address is located, it will appear as an orange star. To use the search function, search the address number followed by RGE RD, TWP RD, or HWY number (instead of typing range road, township road, etc.)

Example: 242006 RGE RD 243 instead of 242006 range road 243.

Open Online Rural Address Lookup Map

Watch the video below for a basic tutorial on how to navigate Wheatland County’s Webmap.

YouTube video

Grader Beat Map

A grader beat map is a detailed chart used by municipalities to organize and manage road maintenance activities. ⁣
This map displays the routes and areas of each section or “grader beat”, ensuring systematic and efficient maintenance of roads. The map also assists in the planning and scheduling of road work, allocating resources, and informing residents about maintenance activities in their areas.⁣


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