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Wheatland County Programs

Wheatland Agricultural Stewardship Program

The Wheatland Agricultural Stewardship Program provides financial assistance to farmers and ranchers in Wheatland County who are completing projects that contribute to the following: clean air, clean water, soil protection, promote biodiversity and any other ecosystem services. Example include (but not limited to): buffer strips, grassed waterways, livestock watering systems, hawk posts, ecobuffers, tree planting projects and pollinator projects. Projects are also eligible for annual payments through the ALUS Wheatland program.

  • This program is not retroactive. Applications must be approved prior to purchase of materials or services.
  • 50% of project costs to a maximum of $5000
  • Projects approved by this program may also be eligible for ALUS annual per acre payments 

Please contact Sarah Schumacher for application forms or for questions regarding the program.

Ph: 403-361-2027

Email: link to Sarah.Schumacher@wheatlandcounty.ca

ALUS Wheatland

ALUS Wheatland is a community-led, farmer-delivered program for producers that pays for management and maintenance of ecosystem services on marginal farmland in Wheatland County. The ALUS Wheatland program compensates producers with an annual per-acre, fair-market payment for projects which improve the environmental function of marginal farmlands (for 5-year terms). Funding is also available for project implementation (such as the purchase of seed or off-site watering systems) through ALUS, the Wheatland Agricultural Stewardship Program or the Wheatland Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program

Project examples include (but are not limited to) riparian protection, buffer strips, reclaiming marginal or saline soils, eco-buffers (trees), wetland projects, and the establishment of pollinator projects.

  • Cropland (including hay land) – $65/acre
  • Permanent Wetland – $20/acre
  • Pasture – $40/acre
  • Grazing Management Projects- $20/acre
  • High Value Projects* – $300/acre

Projects are approved by the ALUS Wheatland Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC) which is made up of local county councillors and Wheatland ASB members at large, Ducks Unlimited Canada, and the Foothills Forage and Grazing Association.

Please contact Sarah Schumacher for application forms or for questions regarding the program.

Ph: 403-333-6943

Email: link to Sarah.Schumacher@wheatlandcounty.ca

Wheatland Safe Water Wells Action Program

* This program is not retroactive. Applications must be approved prior to purchase of materials or services. Forms are available from Wheatland County Agricultural Services staff.

The purpose of this program is to enable Wheatland County landowners to protect their water supply. A portion of the cost of contracted Services (eg: Certified Well Driller) and required materials for the protection of groundwater  is funded for the following projects:

  • Pitless Adaptor Well Pit Conversion (75% up to $3500 per well)
  • Decommissioning of Unused Wells (75% up to $2500 per well – max. 2 wells)

Landowners may receive a maximum of $6000 over a three year period on a combination of projects.

Shelterbelt and Ecobuffer Seedling Program

The Wheatland County Shelterbelt and Eco-Buffer Seedling Program has reached the full allocation for 2025 projects. Applications for this program are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and will reopen on November 1, 2025.

The Shelterbelt and Ecobuffer Seedling Program opens to applications starting on November 1st.

This program supports landowners planting trees and shrubs throughout the County. There are many benefits of planting trees and shrubs which include:

  • Improved building energy efficiency
  • Adds aesthetic value to yard and landscape 
  • Provides wildlife and pollinator habitat
  • Decreases soil erosion and crop damage
  • Reduces standing water
  • Snow capture for drift management and improved moisture retention.

Program Guidelines

  • This program is not retroactive, receipts must be dated after November 1st
  • Applicants are eligible for up to $3000
    • $5 per seedling to a maximum of $2000
    • $500 for drip irrigation supplies
    • $500 for mulch (fibre, wood, plastic, etc.)

Please see the application form for more information.

If you have questions regarding the program, please contact:

Email: agandenv@wheatlandcounty.ca

Ph: 403-361-2000

ASB Agricultural Bursary

ASB will provide up to $10,000 in bursaries annually with a minimum award of $500 and a maximum award of $2,500 depending upon the number of applicants that meet the criteria. Bursaries are available to students who reside within the boundaries of Wheatland County including recent graduates (within 3 years). For more information, see here.

Wheatland County Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program

The purpose of this program is to improve and restore the riparian function and watershed resiliency of the watersheds in Wheatland County by assisting producers with the costs associated riparian management.

Riparian Streambank Fencing: for greater control and management of riparian areas and water sources and to manage livestock access to riparian areas.

  • 80% of eligible expenses will be reimbursed.
  • Applicants are eligible for a maximum $15,000 at a rate $12/m.

Livestock Off-Site Watering Systems: to limit or eliminate direct access by livestock to riparian areas and water source.

  • Up to 80% of eligible expenses will be reimbursed.
  • Applicants are eligible for a maximum $10,000 per system and $30,000 total.

Livestock Creek Crossing Projects: to maintain or improve water quality, bank stability, and reduce the amount of time cattle spend in a waterbody and riparian areas.

  • Up to 100% of eligible expenses will be reimbursed.
  • Applicants are eligible for a maximum $30,000.

Please contact Sarah Schumacher for application forms or for questions regarding the program.

External Producer Funding Programs

Ducks Unlimited Canada Landowner Resources

DUC offers specialized resources for different regions of Canada, based on conservation needs and landowner priorities. Learn more about programs and information available for your area by visiting their website.


  • Forage Program (producers receive a rebate of $100 per 50 lb. bag of forage seed)
  • Wetland Restoration
  • Conservation Easements
  • Winter Wheat Extension
Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

This federal-provincial partnership delivers grant programs that generate sustainable economic growth in the agricultural and agri-food sector. The program opened in April 2023.


* To be eligible for SCAP and OFCAF an applicant must generate at least $25,000 worth of farm commodities annually.


Water Program

This program helps producers adopt agricultural water management practices for continued growth and long-term success of the agriculture industry. Visit SCAP for more information.


On-Farm Irrigation Stream: 25% up to $30,000

Projects: Low-pressure center pivot systems; subsurface/surface drip irrigation systems; sprinkler, pump and control panel upgrades, VRT equipment.


On-Farm Water Supply  Stream 25% up to $15,000. 

Projects: New wells, dugouts, spring developments, dams, cisterns, well abandonment, well pit conversions, wetland assessments.


On-Farm Value Added Program

Helps primary producers grow sales, expand production capacity, explore market opportunities and create jobs in Alberta. To be eligible, an applicant must be adding value past harvest or slaughter of agricultural products.

Eligible activities include; processing capacity expansion, food safety improvement, new product and process development, market development and access. Up to $50,000 is available. 

Visit SCAP for more information.


Farm Technology Program

* A current Environmental Farm Plan is required to be eligible for this program.


Farm Technology Stream

This program supports the adoption of innovative technology that minimizes agricultural waste and optimizes farm efficiency. 50% up to $48,000 is available.


Farm Security Stream

Supports producers in their efforts to secure business assets by encouraging adoption of best management practices in farm security.  Up to 50% up to $2000 is available.

Visit SCAP for more information.


Efficient Grain Handling Program

* Valid Environmental Farm Plan required.

Assists primary producers with reducing overall energy use on farm.  This program supports the purchase of grain handling system components that significantly improve energy efficiency over standard practice. 50% up to $100,000 is available.

Visit SCAP for more information.


Resilient Agriculture Landscape Program (RALP)

  • Valid Environmental Farm Plan required.
  • specific intake dates

Pasture Management Projects

Projects: Riparian area management, rotational grazing, adding legumes to existing forage stands, targeted grazing for invasive plant bio-control.


Cropland Conversion Projects

Projects: Annual cropland conversion to native or tame forages, strips/grass waterways/salinity, and inter-cropping.


Tree Establishment Projects

Projects: Shelterbelts, eco-buffers, and establishment of pollinator strips.


Wetland Projects

Projects: Wetland restoration and construction of new wetlands



Includes 3 year per-acre Ecological Goods and Services payment as well as project establishment costs. Up to $150,000 (primary producers) and up to $300,000 (grazing reserve associations, operators of community pasture, indigenous applicants)

Visit SCAP for more information.


Environmental Farm Plan

Th An EFP is a voluntary, whole farm, self-assessment tool that helps producers identify their environmental risks and develop a plan to mitigate identified risks. A valid EFP is a requirement of many funding programs. Technical assistance is also provided to any producer who wishes to complete an Environmental Farm Plan in Wheatland County. This program is a free of charge and is confidential. Visit Alberta EFP for more information.


How to complete an EFP for your farm?

Register on-line at www.albertaefp.com or contact Sarah Schumacher to set up an appointment.

On-Farm Climate Action Fund

OFCAF provides financial support to producers to accelerate their adoption and implementation of on-farm Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) to lower Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, support production efficiency, sustainability and resiliency on their farm operations.


Activity categories include:

  • Improved nitrogen management,
  • Increased adoption of cover cropping 
  • Expanding the adoption of rotational grazing
  • 85% up to $75,000

Note: You must work with a Professional Agrologist (PAg) or Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) to develop a BMP Action Plan

Learn more about this program at www.rdar.ca/ofcaf/    

Learn more about other Agricultural Conservation Programs…

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