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2020 Clubroot Survey

Wheatland County Agriculture & Environment staff will be visiting canola fields during the month of September. to conduct clubroot surveys by pulling canola stubble to inspect the roots. This effort aims to assist our agricultural community in identifying presence of clubroot before it has the chance to spread. We aim to complete these surveys after canola has been cut or swathed to reduce our impact.

The staff members performing the surveys are appointed as inspectors under the Agricultural Pests Act. This means that they may legally enter onto any land at a reasonable hour for the purpose of inspecting for legislated agricultural pests, in this case, clubroot.

While it would be ideal for us to notify all landowners prior to performing surveys, it can be very difficult to locate contact information for each parcel of land, especially while in the field. Staff have a lot of surveys to do in a short period of time, and we recognize that farmers are busy with harvest, which increases the difficulty in connecting with people. If you do run into a staff member in your field, inspectors will be happy to explain their purpose and will show you their identification.

More information can be found at https://wheatlandcounty.ca/weeds-pests-soil/.

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