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Carseland CP Whistle Cessation Update – February 10, 2022

Over the last several years, Wheatland County has been in discussion with Canadian Pacific Railway regarding the whistle at the Bartstow Street crossing in Carseland. In 2020, a whistle cessation review took place in which the safety and engineering of the railway crossing at Range Road 260 / Bartstow Street was examined. This report found no major safety concerns at the crossing. Public engagement took place in May 2021, asking for public input on the train whistle and the collected information was presented to Council.

On June 15, 2021, Wheatland County Council made the resolution to request the elimination of the whistle at the Range Road 260 / Bartstow Street crossing in Carseland. The resolution reads:

“THAT Council direct Administration to work with CP Rail to eliminate the Carseland Whistle at
Range Road 260/Barstow Street (Carseland) and install safety and speed signage in the appropriate locations. Further, that the speed limit be reduced to 40 km/h on portion of Barstow Street, based on the recommendation within the WATT Report, if the whistle cessation process is successful.”

Wheatland County has recently received notice from CP that trains will no longer blow their whistle at this crossing. The rail crossing will continue to have warning devices such as flashing lights, bells, and gates. Administration will bring forward the recommendation to reduce the speed limit to 40km/hr on Bartstow Street from Railway Ave to Highway 24 (as recommended in the whistle cessation review conducted by Watt Group in 2020), for Council’s review.

Both Wheatland County and CP are confident that safety will not be impacted due to the removal of the whistle at this crossing, as other safety devices are in place. As at any railway crossing, we ask that you take a minute to look for any approaching rail traffic before crossing.

If you have any comments or concerns, please contact Wheatland County Communications at communications@wheatlandcounty.ca, or call (403) 934-3321.

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