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Author: Shanna Pierson

Rosebud Lagoon Update October 8, 2021

Installation and inspection of all remaining valves on the forcemain is complete. The backfilling of the vaults and piping on all cells is near completion.  Loading and pressure testing the forcemain will commence next week, with hydroseeding to follow.  Commissioning of the lift station and lagoon is anticipated the week of October 18th.

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Carseland Water Reservoir Repairs Update – October 8, 2021

Curing of the interior coating in the water reservoir is complete and the reservoir has now been re-filled.  Wheatland County is waiting on final water quality test results prior to putting the reservoir back in operation, which we are hoping to be early next week.  Thank you to the residents of Carseland for your patience […]

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Notification of Gas Flaring

North 40 Resources Ltd (N40) is planning to temporarily flare natural gas as part of an outage at the third party gas plant that N40’s gas is connected to. This Flaring operation will be in accordance with good oilfield practices as well as Alberta Energy Regulator regulations. Specific information relative to this project is detailed […]

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Notification of Gas Flaring

North 40 Resources Ltd (N40) is planning to temporarily flare natural gas as part of an outage at the third party gas plant that N40’s gas is connected to. This Flaring operation will be in accordance with good oilfield practices as well as Alberta Energy Regulator regulations. Specific information relative to this project is detailed […]

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Rosebud Lagoon Update September 16, 2021

Last week Knibb Developments Ltd. worked on backfilling the vaults and piping, they also installed five air valves and one gate valve on the forcemain. This week they will continue to install the remaining five air valves and one gate valve on the forcemain. Knibb’s will also be completing the backfilling for the vaults and […]

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