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RMA Internet Speed Testing

Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) is continuing to partner with the Canadian Internet Registration Agency (CIRA) on an Internet Performance Test to measure internet speeds in rural Alberta. For the testing numbers to accurately depict actual rural internet speeds, RMA needs help from members and rural Albertans, as many tests are required.

Fortunately, running a test is easy! To test your internet speed, please visit the CIRA Internet Performance Test page and review the testing protocol, which is available at the top of the page. When you are ready to test your internet speed, click the “Test Your Internet Speed” button and follow the instructions.

The internet speed test will allow RMA to demonstrate the current state of broadband in rural Alberta and use this information to drive advocacy for federal funding and policy changes aimed at improving connectivity in rural areas.

The results to date show that 90% of tests do not meet the federal 50 Mbps download/10 Mbps upload standard. In the first nine months of 2021, tests conducted have an average median download speed of 14.23 Mbps and a median upload speed of 2.43 Mbps. These speeds fall well short of the 50/10 standard.

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