2020 General and Annual Property Assessment Inspections
September 9, 2020 in Assessment, Notices
Wheatland County Assessment Services will be performing the 2020 general property assessment inspection for the majority of improved parcels located in Ranges 17 to 20 (easterly portion of the County and along highway 56). The purpose of these inspections is to update property assessment information.
Assessment staff will also be performing the 2020 annual property assessment inspection throughout the entire County. The purpose of these annual inspections is to gather information on new or incomplete buildings constructed in prior years.
Both inspections will require taking digital exterior photographs and may require measuring of buildings. Due to COVID 19, Assessment Services will try to perform most inspections visually from the road, but occasionally may require an onsite inspection. If required, a call back card will be placed on the main entrance door of the residence or another conspicuous location. The inspections will occur during September, October and November of 2020.
All assessors carry personal identification, wear a high visibility vest and the vehicle entering the yard site will be clearly marked with a Wheatland County logo. Assessors will be adhering to all safety procedures.
Assessment Services is striving to prepare and maintain a fair and equitable property assessment base and would like to thank residents in advance for their cooperation during the 2020 assessment inspections.
Should concerns arise during these inspections, please contact the Senior Assessor at 403-361-2009 or Dennis.Klem@wheatlandcounty.ca.