Agendas and Minutes
Council Chambers is open for the public to attend in person, however members of the public may also choose to join meetings using the current telecommuting process in place, in adherence with the Municipal Government Act section 199. To join Council and Council Committee meetings, dial 403-917-1764 and enter the pin 47001 when prompted.
Regular Council Meetings are typically held on the first and third Tuesday of each month; the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) typically convenes on the second Tuesday of each month; and the Agricultural Service Board (ASB) meets quarterly.
All Council, MPC, and ASB meetings are conducted in Council Chambers at the administration office. Any changes to the regular schedule, or notification of special meetings, will be posted to this website.
Members of the public are able to attend the open meetings which typically begin at 9:00 a.m. on the meeting days. You may choose to stay for the entire meeting, or just for the items that interest you.
If you would like to make a presentation to Council, please contact our office.
Once a meeting has ended, you will be able to view a complete video recording on our YouTube channel.
Learn more about other boards and committees in Wheatland County.
Council Meeting Highlights
Council Highlights summarize decisions and issues from regular Council meetings. Visit our Council Highlights page for a listing of highlights from past meetings.
Agendas and Minutes
To view upcoming meeting agendas, find the meeting date and time within the calendar below, and select your viewing preference (PDF or HTML).
To view past meeting agendas and minutes, use the arrows next to the month name to go backwards (or forwards), expand the meeting category, and select your viewing option (PDF or HTML). You can also search for meeting dates by using the search bar.
If trying to view agendas and minutes prior to 2020, please contact our office.
*Please note, published minutes may not be the final approved copies. To view approved minutes, please contact our office.
View the full Council and Council Committee schedule below:
Council Comment Requests
If you would like to make a comment or ask a question during the meeting pertaining to an agenda item, please send us a comment request ahead of time at The Chair will call on you for comment at the appropriate time.
Please only use this form if you have a question for Council specific to an item on the agenda.
If you wish to submit a general comment or request, please use the contact form instead.