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Wheatland County Snow Clearing Update: December 23, 2022

Heavy snowfall and persistent winds in Wheatland County have caused significant snow buildup and potentially unsafe driving conditions on many roads throughout the County, particularly within the north-east and south-east portions of the County. This includes the locations of Rosebud, Dalum, Duck Lake, Gleichen, Cluny, and surrounding areas.⁣⁣
Wheatland County crews are continuing to work to clear snow from roads where and when it is safe to do so. Priority will be given to roads with higher traffic volumes and to roads adjacent to residences and businesses. At this time, it is not known when crews will be able to clear all roads. Further updates will be posted once the current inclement weather conditions have subsided, and once County personnel are better able to predict the length of time that will be required to plow all roads for which the County provides snow clearing.

Drive safe, everyone!

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