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Rosebud Lift Station and Lagoon Update July 8, 2021

Rosebud Lift Station

Parcon finished installing the electrical work inside the building, installed the fencing around the lift station, completed the gravel access road, and completed the test commissioning for the lift station, which was the final step in construction for the lift station project.  Construction for the lift station is now complete and was done ahead of schedule.

Once the Rosebud Lagoon project is complete, the two projects will be connected and will be fully commissioned.

Wheatland County would like to thank Parcon Construction Ltd. for their hard work in completing this project ahead of schedule.

Rosebud Lagoon Update

Knibb Developments Ltd. will be installing the manhole that is located at the inlet of the Anerobic Cells and plans to continue working on the earthworks for the Facultative and Storage Cells. For the Storage Cell, Knibb’s is currently working on the clay liner for the lagoon base. Knibb’s also plans to begin the installation of the valves for the forcemain.

Planned activities for the upcoming weeks is to continue with the earthworks for the Facultative and Storage Cell and installing the valves on the forcemain. Unfortunately, due to the rainy weather Knibb’s was unable to work during the past week as this inhibited their ability to achieve sufficient earthworks compaction.

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