Rosebud Lift Station and Lagoon Update April 30, 2021
Rosebud Lift Station
Parcon has completed the gravel pad around the lift station, installed a gravel access road, placed topsoil and seed, constructed the electrical building, placed a generator on the pad, and began the installation of the electrical components in the electrical building.
Next week the contractor will continue to install the electrical boxes in the electrical building and install the fence around the lift station. Parcon is on schedule to complete the project which is estimated to be completed during the first week of May.
Rosebud Lagoon Update
Knibb Development Ltd. is currently working on the earthworks for the two anaerobic cells and the facultative cell for the Rosebud Lagoon. They are also continuing to install the barbwire fence around the lagoon.
The proof roll for the sub-grade for the access roads has also been completed. Planned activities for the upcoming weeks are to continue with the earthworks for the lagoon berms and clay liner, complete the installation of the outfall and rip-rap for the discharge line, and place and compact pit run and gravel for the access roads to the lagoon.