Please be advised that the Wheatland County Administration Office, Agricultural Service Board Shop, Public Works Shop, and all Waste Transfer Sites will be closed Monday, October 14, 2023. Regular hours will resume for all operations on Tuesday, October 15. ⁣ ⁣ We wish you a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend!
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Rosebud Additional Water Main

The Rosebud water main project is scheduled to begin in a few days so residents may notice equipment and vehicles moving into the community anytime now. The project is to install a new water main from the reservoir to the distribution system to improve fire flows and help limit any impacts of future issues with the water distribution network. As shown above the new line will run through the fields from the reservoir and tie into an existing line near the firehall.

The County does not expect any interruptions to your regular water service or roadways. We ask that residents be aware and mindful of any signage and workers in their area. The project is scheduled to be completed the week of October 31 (weather dependent).

Thank you to all residents for your patience and cooperation with the Rosebud water main project.

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