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Range Road 205 Re-Construction

Construction Period – Summer 2021 – Fall 2021

Wheatland County is proposing to rebuild the portion of Range Road 205 between Township Road 250 and Highway 564.


We anticipate work will start in Early-August 2021 and crews will be working until Late-October 2021, weather permitting, to initiate the work. Construction will carry over into 2022 from Early-April until Mid-September.

Range Road 205 Re-Construction items to note:

• Borrow material may be acquired from adjacent landowners to be used to build up the road;

• Back sloping will occur on slopes adjacent to the road as shown on the drawings;

• Ditches will be back sloped to current County standards;

• Existing fences will be removed where required and replaced at Wheatland County’s expense;

• In some instances, temporary fences may be required for grass or native pasture to be re-established. Landowners will be asked to identify where temporary fencing will be required;

• Any road approaches affected by the project will be reconstructed to County standards;

• Compensation for any crop loss will be paid for those areas disturbed during construction. If pasture is disturbed, the County will re-seed the land according to the varieties that were present prior to construction or similar type grasses; and

• Land reclamation will be completed once road construction is complete.

Landowner Meeting

As an adjacent landowner, you will be invited to attend a meeting in the near future to review and discuss the proposed construction and related drawings. The meeting will be virtual to comply with current government regulations. Drawings and details will be made available in advance to the meeting. Wheatland County Councillors will be at the meeting, as well Wheatland County staff to discuss the project and address any questions or concerns you may have about the project. Anyone unable to attend will be forwarded the information package.

Future Documents

As part of the construction process, agreements with landowners will be required where access onto private lands for back sloping is part of the design. The Land Agent will be in contact with affected owners to review the impact on their lands, fencing and other landowner requirements and the Agreement the County requires with landowners and compensation for impacts and crop losses.

Construction Updates

Once construction commences, weekly updates will be posted on the County website.


Any questions or comments can be directed to Maureen Saunders, Special Projects Coordinator at 403-934-3284 or maureen.saunders@wheatlandcounty.ca.

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