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Playgrounds Reopened

To ensure the safety of children, families and communities, individuals should take precautions when visiting playgrounds. Using playgrounds does have some risks. Children may find it difficult to avoid touching their eyes, nose, or mouth. This can lead to the spread of the virus to playground equipment, other children, and other families.

Playground users must comply with gathering restrictions and maintain physical distancing of 2 metres between individuals not from the same household.

Individual Actions and Precautions

  • Those who are sick or have symptoms related to COVID-19 must not use playgrounds.
  • Encourage children to avoid sharing toys or sports equipment and limit contact with individuals outside of their household or cohort family.
  • Clean and disinfect toys and sports equipment prior to and after use.
  • Caution should be taken around playground equipment.
  • Practise proper hand hygiene.
    • Wash your hands frequently.
    • Refrain from touching your face with unclean hands.
    • Carry and use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol content immediately before and after using playground equipment.
  • Consider limiting children and other members of your household to only visiting playgrounds that are close to your home. This will help limit the number of people your family may come into contact with.
  • Maintain physical distancing and limit congregating with other people when entering and leaving the playground and supervising children playing (e.g. paths, benches, picnic areas).
  • Individuals
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