Notice of SDAB Public Hearing – DP 2020-040
The hearing will be held at the Wheatland County Council Chambers: 242006 Range Road 243 (East of Strathmore off Hwy 1) on Monday, August 17, 2020, commencing at 9 a.m. This meeting can also be accessed electronically by dialing in to (403) 768-1708 and entering PIN 64324.
Development Permit 2020-040
Re: Composting Facility
Legal Description – Plan 131 2179, Block 3, Lot 2 within NE-24-22-26-W4M
Permit Refused – July 14, 2020 – Municipal Planning Commission
At the hearing(s) the SDAB will hear from the appellant(s) and/or the agent; from any person who claims to be affected by the proposal; and from any other person who wishes to make representation AND whom the SDAB agrees to hear. Comments may be made verbally at the hearing, OR if you wish to present a written submission, you must have copies of the same to be distributed at the commencement of the hearing. Any submissions you make are collected under the authority of subsection 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes set out in sections 678 and 686 of the Municipal Government Act. Submissions will form part of a report available to the public and may be referenced in the Board’s public written decision. If you have any questions regarding the collection or retention of this information, contact the Wheatland County FOIP Coordinator at (403) 934-3321.
A time limit may be imposed on verbal submissions, at the discretion of the Chairperson. No comments via telephone prior to the hearing date will be considered by the SDAB. We would appreciate receiving your written comments by Tuesday, August 11, 2020 (prior to 12 noon) in regard to this matter.
Due to current and changing COVID-19 safety regulations, Wheatland County will be taking various measures to protect attendees. These measures will include mandatory hand sanitizing and facemasks that will be provided by Wheatland County. All attendees will be required to sign in upon arrival and maintain social distancing. Please contact Wheatland County by phone or refer to our webpage prior to the hearing for updated COVID-19 procedures.
The complete file for this application may be inspected in the County Office during regular office hours – Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Information will be posted on the Wheatland County public notice board for the public to view prior to the Hearing date.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Michelle Van Haarlem at the Wheatland County Administration Office (403) 934-3321.