Road Maintenance and Construction
Wheatland County currently follows a 5 Year Road Program. The plan is a list of all road construction projects scheduled for 5 years in advance and is then divided into yearly plans. Projects not completed during any given season will be carried forward and will receive priority the following year. The projects are chosen and prioritized based on recommendations by the Transportation Department. Council approves the plan and takes into consideration budget, adequate reserves, long range plan, safety, and projections for future requirements. Any subsequent changes to the program must also be approved by Council.
Engineering Standards
All work performed in Wheatland County, either by County crews or external contractors, must meet all requirements set out in the Wheatland County Design and Construction Standards Manual.
This document clearly indicates the minimum standards for the design and construction of infrastructure within the County. The document serves as a standard reference and is consistent with the current practice. Certain modifications necessary to suit the requirements of a specific project are generally specified in the contract as supplementary specifications or special provisions.