Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks
Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs) must align with the requirements outlined in Part 17.2 of the Municipal Government Act.
Frameworks are intended to:
- provide for integrated and strategic planning, delivery and funding of intermunicipal services
- allocate scarce resources efficiently in the providing local services
- ensure municipalities contribute funding to services that benefit their residents
ICF requirements
Municipalities that share a common boundary must create an ICF with each other, unless they are members of the same growth management board.
Municipalities that are members of the same growth management board may create a framework with other members on matters not addressed in the growth plan or servicing plan.
Municipalities that do not have a common boundary may be parties to a framework.
Municipalities that are parties to a framework may invite an Indian band or Metis settlement to participate in the delivery and funding of services to be provided under the framework.
Each framework must:
- describe the services that benefit residents in more than one of the municipalities
- identify which municipality is responsible for providing these services
- outline how the services will be delivered and funded
- include a process for resolving disputes that occur while the framework is in effect
Municipalities will be required to review their ICFs every 5 years after the creation of the framework, or within a shorter period of time if provided for in the framework.