Fire Services
Fire and Firework Permit Applications – Christmas Break 2022
Are you planning to celebrate the holidays with fireworks?All Fire and Firework Permit applications for dates between December 23, 2022 to January 3, 2023, MUST be submitted to Wheatland County before noon on Friday, December 23, 2022. To submit your application online, CLICK HERE!
Be Prepared Program
The preparedness survey of Albertans confirms that people who have not lived in Canada their entire life are more vulnerable to the hazards in our province. To help with this, we are sharing the winter preparedness resources available on so you can send helpful reminders for folks to be prepared for the cold season! […]
Fire Prevention Week Colouring Contest Winners
Congratulations to our 2022 Fire Prevention Week Coluring Contest winners! Wheatland County’s Fire Prevention Officer, Cindy Ramsay, presented a PS5 gaming console to each of our contest winners. Qualifying entries submitted both a colouring sheet AND home escape plan. Winners were chosen by random draw. Carseland School – Mariah Bennet Wheatland Crossing School – Jorgia […]
Fire Prevention Week: October 9-15, 2022
Fire Prevention Week brings awareness to fire risks, striving to educate citizens about fire prevention including how to safely escape their home or building in the event of a fire. It is focused on providing education about the small but important actions people can take to keep themselves and their homes safe from fire. Since […]
Register for Voyent Alert!
Stay informed during times of crisis! In less than a minute, register to receive emergency alerts and day to day notifications relevant to you from Wheatland County. The service is FREE, easy to use, personalized and anonymous. Register now to receive important notifications:!/registrationWe
Carseland Fire Hall Grand Opening
On May 14, 2022, the new Carseland Fire Station was officially opened! Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate the grand opening.
Wheatland County Fire Services Host Farm Extrication Course
Wheatland County Fire Services hosted a farm extrication course that was attended by volunteer firefighters from our 8 fire departments. The training that was instructed by Randy Schmitz and Jim Wilson allowed our firefighters to learn skills and techniques to further enhance our fire services ability to respond and manage these complex rescue situations.
Flying Lanterns and Fire Crackers
Wheatland County Fire Services would like to remind residents that: Fire Crackers and Flying Lanterns (also known as a sky lantern) are prohibited in Alberta. If you see them being used, call 911 and report it to the Fire Department immediately. Fireworks are regulated under Section 5.7 of the National Fire Code – Alberta Edition […]
Fireworks Permit Applications – Christmas Break 2021
Permit applications for fireworks between December 23, 2021 to January 3, 2022, MUST be submitted to Wheatland County before noon on December 23, 2021. Submit your application online today by clicking the link below!