Agricultural Service Board Call for Members
Wheatland County invites applications for “Members-At-Large” to the Agricultural Service Board (ASB). The ASB is a special committee appointed by council to address agricultural concerns in the municipality. This is done through developing and evaluating agricultural policies and programs to meet the needs of Wheatland County. Applicants should be well versed in a wide variety of agricultural areas; reside in, or own property within, the boundaries of Wheatland County and be able to attend four board meetings per year plus the Regional and Provincial ASB Conferences.
Membership appointments may be made by County Council at the November 1st, 2021, Organizational Meeting for a term of three years with eligibility for reappointment. Current membership of the board includes both Councilors and members at large with the exact makeup of the board moving forward to be determined at the organizational meeting. County Council reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications.
Deadline for applications is 4:30 pm on September 30th, 2021. For more information or to submit an application please contact Russ Muenchrath – Manager of Agriculture & Environment, Wheatland County, 242006 Range Road 243, Wheatland County, AB T1P 2C4 or via email to