2025 Municipal Election
Key Dates:
Nominations close September 22, 2025, at 12 p.m. The municipal general election will be held on October 20, 2025, and voting will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.Information for Candidates
The information within this section provides a brief introduction of the requirements for running for office in Wheatland County. Candidates are responsible for understanding all legislation concerning elections, including nomination, eligibility, campaigning restrictions, campaign finance and disclosure, election offences and prohibitions at voting stations. More information can be found at https://www.alberta.ca/municipal-elections-overview.aspx. Note: Click on the linked heading text to expand or collapse accordion panels.Wheatland County Electoral Divisions

New in 2025
The campaign period for general elections is now the period beginning on January 1 of the year immediately following a general election and ending on December 31 immediately following the next general election, and both intended and nominated candidates must give notice in their local jurisdictions before they may accept contributions or incur campaign expenses. For the 2025 General Election, the campaign period began on October 31, 2024, and ends on December 31, 2025.
Important dates
- Election signs can be displayed starting 12 p.m. on Monday, September 22, 2025 (Nomination Day).
- All election signs must be removed within 72 hours after the election.
- Candidates are prohibited from using County branding, such as our logo, as part of their campaigning literature/signage.
What makes a sign an election sign?
As per Wheatland County’s Land Use Bylaw 2016-01, Section 7.18.4 (i): an Election Sign is defined as a temporary sign used to promote a candidate, political party, plebiscite or referendum during a County, school board, provincial, federal election or special referendum or plebiscite ballot held pursuant to the Local Authorities Election Act.
Other legal means of advertising, such as in the newspaper, or through social media, t-shirts, and other printed materials such as door knockers, door hangers, brochures and pamphlets, also do not constitute signage.
How are signs regulated and were do election signs fit in?
Regulations in the County’s Land Use Bylaw aim to provide for an orderly, safe, and efficient environment for our residents.
Wheatland County’s typical regulations and approval processes for signs would be overly prescriptive during a municipal election, and the County recognizes that. Therefore, the Land Use Bylaw 2016-01 states:
- Section 7.18.6 (d): Election signs that meet the requirements of the Local Authorities Election Act do not require a permit from Wheatland County.
- Section 7.18.7 – General Provisions:
- (n) All election signage must comply with the provincial guidelines for election signs.
- (o) Campaign signs for County (municipal) and School Board elections are allowed on private property, to a maximum of two (2) signs per lot provided that:
- i. Such signs are removed within 72 hours after the polls close on Election Day. Candidates must ensure that the site is returned to its previous condition (holes are filled) and any items supporting the sign such as any supporting structures and/or wiring are removed from the property; and
- ii. The authorization of the property owner is obtained prior to the signs being placed. Candidates are responsible to keep signs in a neat and clean appearance, and ensure that they are securely erected.
Candidates should refer to the details on the Election Sign Acknowledgment Form within the Nomination Information Package for a full and complete list of regulations regarding election signage.
Election Sign Acknowledgement Form
To assist candidates in understanding election sign requirements, Wheatland County has provided guidelines and important dates within the Election Sign Acknowledgment Form. This form can be found in the Nomination Information Package.
Candidates who wish to post election signs within Wheatland County must ensure they have read and signed this form. Completed Election Sign Acknowledgment Forms must be submitted via:
- Mail: Wheatland County, 242006 Range Road 243, HWY 1 RR 1, Strathmore AB T1P 1J6
- Email: admin@wheatlandcounty.ca
- After hours drop-box: Dropped off at the Administration Office drop box located to the left of the main doors at 242006 Range Road 243
Candidates or residents who have questions about election campaign signage can contact Wheatland County by emailing planninganddevelopment@wheatlandcounty.ca or protectiveservices@wheatlandcounty.ca, or by calling 403-361-2026.
Further information for candidates will be available in early 2025.
Campaign Finances
All candidates should check the Local Authorities Election Act for complete details on campaign finances.
- A person can contribute $5,000 per candidate, per calendar year, during the campaign period. A person can contribute to as many candidates as they like.
- Candidates can self-fund up to $10,000 per campaign period.
- A corporation, Alberta trade union, or Alberta employee organization can contribute a maximum of $5,000, per candidate, during the election campaign.
- If more than $50,000 is received or spent, a chartered accountant must review the financial statements before submission to the municipality or school board.
- Candidates may retain any surplus amount under $1,000. Any amount over $1,000 must be donated to a registered charity. Local jurisdictions will no longer hold campaign surpluses.
Candidates Duties During the Campaign
- Issue receipts for every contribution. A receipt must include:
- Date of contribution;
- Name of individual contributor;
- Address of individual contributor; and
- Amount contributed.
- Obtain receipts for every expense;
- Open a campaign account at a financial institution when contributions exceed $1,000;
- When a campaign account is opened, place all contributions into the account;
- Use money for payment of campaign expenses only;
- Do not accept contributions from people outside of Alberta;
- Do not accept contributions from corporations and unincorporated organizations;
- Do not accept contributions from trade unions and employee organizations; and
- Do not work with third parties to avoid contribution or expense limits.
After the Election
After the election, all candidates are required to follow these rules:
- Keep records of contributions and expenses for 3 years after the disclosure statement deadline;
- File a campaign disclosure statement by March 1 after the election;
- If you have expenses or contributions of $50,000 or more, file a review engagement with the disclosure statement;
- Within 60 days of filing a disclosure statement, candidates can retain surplus amounts under $1,000. Amounts of $1,000 and more must be donated to a registered charity;
- Eliminate campaign deficits 60 days after filing a disclosure statement; and
- File an amended disclosure statement within 30 days after the 60-day period showing any surplus or deficit has been dealt with according to LAEA requirements.
Note: The information on this website is provided for the convenience of reference only. Candidates are subject to further requirements in the Local Authorities Election Act.
Candidates are advised to refer to the LAEA and obtain legal advice regarding the full extent of their obligations.
Learn more about election processes using resources from Wheatland County, Alberta Municipal Affairs, and the Local Authorities Election Act.
County policies, bylaws, guides, and tools
- Strategic Plan
- Municipal Development Plan
- Land Use Bylaw
- 2025 Council Calendar
- Council Boards and Committees
- Wheatland County Electoral Boundaries Bylaw 2024-18
- Council Code of Conduct
- Policies
- Bylaws
- Financials
- Operating and Capital Budgets
- County Maps
- Community Profile
Election forms
- Nomination Information Package – Forms 4 and 5
- Campaign Disclosure form
Other resources and events
Submission of Nomination Forms
Candidates who are ready to provide their nomination and acceptance forms to Wheatland County, please contact Shanna Pierson, Returning Officer, via telephone at 403-361-2030 or via email at returningofficer@wheatlandcounty.ca to schedule a time for submission.
Information for Voters
- Each elector will be required to fill in an Elector Register (or Form 13RSE)
- This form confirms that you are eligible to vote
- You must provide identification to verify your name and address
See the voter identification requirements for more information.
Electors will be handed ballots after the Presiding Deputy adds their initials to the back of the ballots, electors will then be given instructions on how to fill in ballots.
To vote in the Wheatland County municipal election, you must:
- be at least 18 years of age;
- be a Canadian citizen;
- have your place of residence* located in Wheatland County on Election Day;
* Residence is defined by the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) as ‘the place where the person lives and sleeps and to which, when the person is absent, the person intends to return’.
- Identification issued by a Canadian government, whether federal, provincial or local, or an agency of that government, that contains a photograph of the elector and their name and current address.
- Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Tenant Elector issued by the authorized representative of a commercial property management company.
- Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Incarcerated Elector issued by the authorized representative of a correctional institution.
- Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence issued by the authorized representative of a First Nations band or reserve.
- Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Post-Secondary Student Elector in Residence issued by the authorized representative of a post-secondary institution.
- Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Homeless Elector issued by the authorized representative of a facility that provides services to the homeless.
- Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Elector in Long Term Care or Supportive Living Facility issued by the authorized representative of a supportive living facility or treatment centre.
- Supportive Living Facility issued by the authorized representative of a supportive living facility or treatment centre.
- Bank or credit card statement or personal cheque.
- Correspondence issued by a school, college or university.
- Government cheque or cheque stub.
- Income or property tax assessment notice.
- Insurance policy or coverage card.
- Letter from a public curator, public guardian or public trustee.
- Pension plan statement of benefits, contributions or participation.
- Residential lease or mortgage statement.
- Statement of government benefits (for example, employment insurance, old-age security, social assistance, disability support or child tax benefit).
- Utility bill (for example, telephone, public utilities commission, television, hydro, gas or water).
- Vehicle ownership, registration or insurance certificate.
Returning Officer
2025 Returning Officer Contact Information
Returning Officer
Shanna Pierson- Email: returningofficer@wheatlandcounty.ca
- Phone: 403-361-2030
Deputy Returning Officer
Jessica Salmon- Email: deputyreturningofficer@wheatlandcounty.ca
- Phone: 403-361-2021