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2025 Gravel Sale Schedule

Building a road approach or upgrading your driveway?  Did you know, Wheatland County residents are able to purchase crushed gravel and pitrun at a reduced cost?

Residents can purchase gravel tickets and redeem them at designated pits during specified dates and times. Gravel pickup is available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on scheduled days at below listed locations:

Gravel Sales Dates & Locations

August 13 & 14, 2025
Fish Lake Pit (Dalum)
Located at NE-28-26-18W4M
Gravel Available: 7/8” Crush & Pit Run

June 11 & 12, 2025
Goldsmith Pit (Cluny)
Located at NE-8-22-21W4
Gravel Available: 7/8” Crush & Pit Run

July 9 & 10, 2025
Christensen Pit (Carseland)
Located at NE-03-22-25W4m
Gravel Available: 3/4” Crush & Pit Run

How to Purchase Tickets

To purchase gravel tickets, residents must complete a Gravel Purchase Application and make payment at the Wheatland County Administration Office. Please ensure the application is filled out and payment is submitted in advance of sales date to secure your ticket.

Tickets must be presented when arriving at the gravel pit for redemption.

Important Information

  • Gravel tickets are only valid for the specified date and location chosen on the application.
  • The purchase price of any gravel ticket not redeemed during the sale date and at the location specified on the ticket will be refunded to the purchaser, and the ticket will be voided.
  • Tickets must be returned to the Wheatland County Administration Office prior to December 31 of the year purchased for a full refund.
  • Please bring appropriate equipment for loading and transporting gravel.
  • Ensure safety guidelines are followed when visiting the pits.
  • To collect gravel on the dates and at the locations noted above, please park at the gravel sales CHECK-IN sign. Stay in your vehicle at all times, except in the designated tarping area.

For more details or inquiries, contact 403-934-3321 or email admin@wheatlandcounty.ca.

Terms and Conditions

(in accordance with Wheatland County Public Works Policy Section 9.3.1 Gravel Operations)

  1. Aggregate sold by the County is for Personal Use only.  The purchase of aggregate from the County by corporations or other business entities is not permitted.  Resale of aggregate purchased from the County is prohibited.  Individuals found to have resold aggregate will be prohibited from purchasing aggregates from the County.
  2. A Ratepayer may only purchase up to a maximum of two hundred (200) tonnes of gravel or pit run, or a combination thereof, per calendar year. A minimum purchase of three (3) tonnes is required.
  3. Aggregate purchases, up to the maximum allowable amount per year, are limited to one individual ratepayer associated with a single municipal address and a single tax roll number.  Multiple purchases by the same ratepayer, or for the same municipal address or tax roll, are not permitted.
  4. The purchase price of any Gravel Ticket(s) not redeemed on the sale date and at the location specified will be void.  Tickets must be returned to the Wheatland County Administration Office prior to December 31st of the year purchased for a full refund or re-issue for a different day, if scheduled and available.
  5. The purchaser, or any party hauling aggregate on the purchaser’s behalf, is responsible for ensuring that their hauling equipment is engineered to be loaded by means of mechanical loading equipment and may legally transport loose aggregates.  The County loader operator retains the right to, at their sole discretion, refuse to load any vehicle deemed unsuitable for loading or hauling.
  6. Ratepayers are responsible to ensure the weight of aggregate purchased and indicated on each Gravel Ticket can be legally and safely hauled with their vehicle.
  7. All members of the public must remain in their vehicles, follow all posted signage, and obey instructions from County staff.  Any individuals not adhering to posted signage or to instructions from County staff, will be required to exit the site and may not be permitted to re-enter County-owned Gravel Pit sites in the future.
  8. Vehicles must immediately exit the pit following loading, where members of the public will then be permitted to exit their vehicle in a designated area to tarp and prepare their load for transport.
  9. Privately owned loading equipment and hand loading is not permitted within County Gravel Pits.
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